Transition & Vocational Assessments

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), students with disabilities are entitled to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) with related services designed to meet the child's unique needs and prepare the child for further education, employment and independent living.
CRC Services, LLC is dedicated to assisting our youth with making informed choices as they prepare for postsecondary education to adulthood. Our Certified Rehabilitation Counselors have backgrounds in vocational evaluations with an understanding of labor market trends, skill and physical requirements of jobs and providing job placement services. Team-CRC is committed to working with students and their families, school districts and attorneys to identify suitable transition goals and create realistic transition plans with attainable outcomes. We will review the transition objectives outlined in the Individual Education Plan (IEP) to determine if the goals are appropriate and, if not, recommend alternative suitable academic, vocational and transition goals.
Team-CRC will conduct formal and informal assessments to identify the individual’s strengths, interests and needs as they relate to the world of work and independent living. We are available to meet with not only the student and their family, but teachers, counselors and other key players involved in the student’s team. As requested, we can attend and participate in IEP/PPT meetings and explain our recommendations in more detail.
Our goal is to ensure students are informed about their transition from high school to adulthood and motivated to continue meeting their academic, vocational and independent living objectives.
Since the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was implemented in 2015 and replaced the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), services are better aligning the workforce system with the educational and economic development in an effort to create a collective response to economic and labor market challenges on the national, state and local levels.
Services under WIOA target disconnected youth who are subject to the juvenile or adult justice system; youth who are homeless, runaways, in foster care or aged of such care, pregnant or parenting; or who have a disability. Youth who are out of school, low income and who are also basic skills deficient, English language learners, or who need additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or secure or hold employment are also eligible for services under WIOA.
Team-CRC is committed to assisting at risk youth, students, disabled and non-disabled adults by conducting thorough vocational and transition assessments. These assessments include a review of relevant academic and medical records, interview, administration, scoring and interpreting vocational testing, career exploration, and conducting labor market research in preparation for determining suitable academic, vocational and transition plans.
Team-CRC also performs vocational evaluations for those in the process of creating a Special Needs Trust. When preparing a Special Needs Trust, it is important to contemplate proper fund management over a lifetime. Depending on an individual’s circumstances, in addition to typical considerations (i.e. medical, household expenses, etc.), future vocational needs should also be evaluated. CRC Services, LLC has a team of nationally certified vocational consultants qualified to conduct vocational evaluations and determine the current and projected vocational needs of physically disabled and mentally impaired individuals.