Tricia Muth
Supervisor, TDIU | Vocational Consultant
Tricia Muth leads our Veteran Services section of CRC Services, LLC. Ms. Muth is a nationally certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) and brings more than 15 years of experience working with clients with a variety of disabilities related to: orthopedic, neurological, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, endocrinological, cognitive, and psychiatric/mental health conditions.
As Supervisor, Ms. Muth works directly with law firms and unrepresented individual veterans seeking a Vocational Assessment in their claim for Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU) benefits. Ms. Muth assists the law firm and individual veteran develop the relevant case materials and assigns the case to one of our highly experienced Vocational Consultants. Ms. Muth oversees the quality and reporting timeliness.
Ms. Muth also performs vocational assessment interviews of veterans seeking TDIU benefits and offer her vocational opinion on the veteran’s ability to perform Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) based on the veteran’s service-connected disabilities.
Prior to joining CRC Services in 2020, Ms. Muth performed similar Veteran TDIU assessments for another firm for approximately 4 years.
Ms. Muth is qualified by the Social Security Administration as a Vocational Expert and testifies before Administrative Law Judges providing vocational expert testimony on an individual’s ability to work at SGA levels as defined by the Administration. This includes vocational opinion on classifying the claimant’s past work, identifying transferable skills and respond to hypothetical questions posed by the ALJ and the claimant’s representative.
Prior to her work with veterans and the Social Security Administration, Ms. Muth was employed for a decade with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation in Pennsylvania; initially as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) before receiving a promotion to Supervisor. Ms. Muth directly worked with clients throughout the Vocational Rehabilitation process including: interviewing clients, educating clients on the VR process, providing career counseling and assisting clients with developing a suitable vocational goal, identifying transferable skills, developing rehabilitation plans, performing labor market analyses to identify occupational trends, analyzing the essential functions (physical & cognitive) demands of occupations, providing job readiness training, assisting with job placement, and working directly with employers when accommodations are needed. As Supervisor, in addition to oversight of her assigned counselors (VRC,s); Ms. Muth developed business partnerships with local employers and served as liaison between the client, employer and other community support agencies.
Ms. Muth graduated with a M.A. degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from George Washington University.