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Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs
WASHINGTON -- Payments provided to veterans under two specific programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) -- the Compensated...

Veterans in the Labor Force: 6 Stats
It is just simply not enough to say: "Thank you for your service." Our veterans were willing to put their lives on the line to protect...

Commercial Driving is a Great Career Choice for Veterans
According to the American Trucking Association’s 2019 report, the trucking industry will need to hire 1.1 million new drivers over the...

Disability Deadline for Gulf War Vets Extended by the VA
According to the Disabled Veterans Of America (DAV) Gulf War Syndrome affects approximately 200,000 veterans of the 650,000 service...

If You Know All These Labor Department Facts, We’ll Be Really Impressed
1. We’re younger than Labor Day. Americans first celebrated Labor Day in 1882, and it became a federal holiday in 1894 – nearly 20 years...

Amid pressure, VA eyes speeding benefits for burn pit exposure illnesses
Amid increasing calls for action from Congress and health care advocates, Veterans Affairs leaders on Thursday announced plans to...

VA plans expansion of benefits for disability claims for conditions related, certain toxic exposure
WASHINGTON — The Department of Veterans Affairs announced today two major decisions related to presumptive conditions associated with...

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