Pre-employment Transition Services

Transitioning from high school into post high school life is a great milestone. CRC Vocational Services, LLC can assist individuals and their families to make this transition seamlessly
CRC Vocational Services, LLC is committed to helping youth make informed decisions as they transition from high school to post-secondary education, skill training programs, and/or the workforce. Transition planning is a proactive, student-centered approach designed to prepare students for success. This process promotes early job exploration and exposure to work environments, aiming to maximize each student’s potential for entering competitive, integrated employment. Transition plans are highly individualized, tailored to each student’s unique needs, and involve collaboration between the student, their family, and school systems to facilitate the move from school to post-school life.
CRC Vocational Services, LLC collaborates with schools, employers, and community partners to provide Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS). These services are intended for students with disabilities, aged 14 to 21, who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a Section 504 Plan. Pre-ETS services are clearly defined and focus on five key areas:
Job Exploration Counseling
Workplace Readiness Training
Counseling on Opportunities for Enrollment in Comprehensive Transition or Post-Secondary Educational Programs
Work-Based Learning Experiences
A student with a disability is defined as an individual enrolled in a recognized educational program, who is at least 14 years old but not yet 22, and who is eligible for and receiving special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or is considered disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
CRC Vocational Services offers some of the following services for the transition population.
Job Exploration Counseling offers students guidance on exploring various career options, readiness for work, and post-secondary education opportunities, including college and short-term training programs. These classes focus on soft skills development—essential for securing and maintaining employment—and help students discover and cultivate career interests. Through a series of 8 to 10 classes per session, students will be equipped to engage in community-based internships and develop meaningful vocational goals. Participation in multiple cohorts is encouraged based on individual needs and goals.
Work Readiness focuses on career exploration and self-discovery through tools like interest inventories. Students create a vocational interest profile that aligns with their skills and aspirations. The curriculum covers essential work-related soft skills, including communication and social skills, relevant to various career paths. By engaging with informational interviews, labor market data, and virtual platforms, students gain a deeper understanding of the skills and requirements for specific jobs, guiding them toward realistic vocational goals.
Self-Advocacy/Mentoring classes empower students to use their voice in making informed decisions regarding their vocational interests and career aspirations. Through these sessions, students build confidence in advocating for themselves, both in educational and professional settings.
Counseling for Enrollment in Comprehensive Transition or Post-Secondary Educational Programs helps students explore further education and training opportunities that align with their vocational interests and career goals. By connecting findings from job exploration activities, students can see how additional education or technical training can enhance their career prospects and lead to a fulfilling future.
Work-Based Learning Experiences provide students with paid, community-based employment opportunities in entry-level positions. These experiences are designed for students who can work independently and allow for the assessment of key work-related attributes such as work habits, tolerance, interpersonal skills, and behaviors in a real-world environment.
The goal of transition planning is to create an environment where students are empowered to achieve fulfilling careers that foster personal value, financial stability, and increased independence. CRC Vocational Services, LLC remains dedicated to guiding youth toward informed choices as they move forward into post-secondary education, skill training programs, and/or the workforce, empowering them to achieve their fullest potential.
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