Vocational Expert Witness Services

For insurance carriers and law firms representing both sides of the bar in disputed matters requiring answers to a litigant's PRE- and POST- employability, wage earning capacity, vocational rehabilitation potential and vocational rehabilitation life care plans.
CRC vocational experts are experienced forensic professionals providing added value to discriminating attorneys demanding peer-reviewed methodology, comprehensive reporting and credible, persuasive testimony on complex cases involving individuals with and without disabilities. Our vocational experts have specialization in comprehensive testing including intelligence, achievement, functional instruments (including memory and concentration measures, useful for example in pain cases), transferable skill analysis, labor market survey analysis, workforce trends, prevailing wages and analysis of job search diligence.
Highly experienced in workers' compensation, personal injury, product liability, employment law (including defamation), family law, disability (ERISA), Social Security and Veteran law (TDIU) and transition assessments under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act).
CRC Services, LLC employs full time, accessible, licensed and board certified vocational experts; qualified in federal, state and probate courts.
Offices in MA, CT, NY and CA. Nationwide availability.
Prompt record reviews, vocational consultation services and thorough reporting.
Refer cases 24/7/365 through our secure web portal.
Vocational Rehabilitation Expert Witness
The Vocational Rehabilitation Expert Witness is relied upon by plaintiff and defense attorneys and factfinders seeking guidance on an individual’s ability to perform work, earn money and become vocationally retrained or rehabilitated to other forms of work. Litigants whose lives were interrupted by workers compensation injury, personal injury, wrongful discharge, employment law and matrimonial disputes benefit by retaining licensed, board-certified vocational experts who perform vocational assessment employability evaluations to determine future employability and diminished wage earning capacity, and testify credibly at deposition and court hearings. Vocational experts should be wisely chosen to ensure they are compliant with the Federal Rules of Evidence (702) and Daubert, Joiner and Kumho decisions, and utilize current, peer-reviewed vocational methodology in their vocational practice.
As wage replacement indemnity benefits paid to workers' compensation claimants continue to rise and lump sum settlement demands for permanent total disability claims escalate in our changing labor economy; the introduction of the vocational rehabilitation expert witness to the claim-litigation process is more common than not. Analysis of the claimant’s age, education, work experience, transferable skills, language ability, residual functional medical capacity, intelligence, attention and concentration and aptitudes; plus labor market survey and job search analysis, are vocational factors, in combination with the medical evidence, why attorneys turn to vocational experts to answer a claimant’s ability to return to work. Plaintiff and defense attorneys hire vocational experts to prepare and verify lump sum demands, rebut opposing vocational expert methodology and testify before the factfinder deciding cases on workers compensation permanent and total disability matters.
Workers' Compensation Expert Witness
Wrongful Termination Expert Witness
Wrongful discharge and employment discrimination law suits have been on the rise in society as our aging, diverse, American workers are replaced by younger, less-costly job candidates. Regulation law changes, employee performance issues, employer management mistakes and other factors add to suit filings in all states. Discerning plaintiff and defense lawyers in wrongful discharge and employment discrimination matters retain experienced Vocational Rehabilitation Experts to assist them and the triers of fact to ascertain the employee’s level of employability, wage earning capacity, job search diligence, and efforts to mitigate since being discharged. To give focus to the lost wage settlement value, this may include among other factors: a close review of the employee’s transferrable skills; an analysis of the plaintiff’s job searches (not for just the type of job they worked previously); labor market research and historical perspective of jobs available and earnings since the date of discharge.
MassachusettsArmy & Army, LLC Boyle Shaughnessy Cain Hibbard & Meyers, PC Campbell, Conroy & O’Neil Carolyn M. Garrahan, Esq. Cooley Shrair DLA Piper Fuller, Rosenberg, Palmer & Beliveau, LLP Gallant & Ervin, LLC Goodwin Procter Jackson Lewis Law Offices of Bodanza & Bodanza Law Offices of Katherine Sullivan Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone Law Offices of William Kennedy Litchfield Cavo, LLP Littler Mendelson, PC Mark Berson, Esq. Mavrides Law McGuire & McGuire Morrison Mahoney, LLP Murtha Cullina, LLPO Nason Law office Naumes Law Group Pellegrini, Seeley, Ryan & Blakesley, PC Robinson Donovan, PC Seyfarth Law Offices Stapleton Law Offices Terrence Low, Esq. Thomas A. Kenefick, III, PC Thomas M. Libbos Law Offices, PC Weston Patrick PA WilmerHale
ConnecticutBoyle Shaughnessy Law Cohen & Wolf, PC Conway Stoughton, LLC Costello, Coombes & Brown, LLP Halloran & Sage Howard, Kohn, Sprague & Fitzgerald, LLP Jacobs & Wallace, LLC Kenneth B. Katz, Esq. Law Office of Cori-Lynn Webber, LLC Law Office of Frederick Ward Law Office of Michael Chambers Law Office of Nancy Meyer Leighton, Katz & Drapeau Letizia, Ambrose & Falls, PC Litchfield Cavo, LLP McGann, Bartlett & Brown, LLC Milano & Wanat, LLC Montstream Law Group Morizio Law Firm, PC Morrison Mahoney, LLP Morrissey, Morrissey & Mooney, LLC O’Donnell, McDonald & Cregeen Parrino Shattuck, PC Polinsky Law Group, LLC Robinson & Cole Ryan, Ryan, Deluca Stanger Stanfield Law, LLC Strunk, Dodge, Aiken, Zovas, LLC Vargas, Chapman & Woods Walker, Feigenbaum and Cantarella Law Group Winona W. Zimberlin, Esq